Thursday, March 14, 2013

"Papaw and Daddy"

"Daddy" is a special name. I read "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad". True, in my book of experiences. My hero figure has always been my dad. Although, down through the years, as I became a man with my own children, and knew what to look for, I noticed some of Dad's shortcomings. Actually, I always knew they were there, but as a kid I could not admit what I saw as true because I needed daddy to be something he was not. He was not perfect, neither am I, but he was really good.

Daddy accepted me as his huntin' buddy. I was 9 years-old at the time. He joined a hunting club not far from the house, bought a Willy's Jeep and a 30-30 Rife. We were in business. Mother bought Daddy a bolt-action 12 gauge shotgun from Sears Roebuck for his birthday. I think he was around 25 at the time, making me about 8 years-old. Eventually Daddy bought a 410 gauge shotgun for me. It would not kill anything except at point blank rage, but I enjoyed shooting it.

Our hunting season started with a dove hunt and proceeded with squirrel and eventually deer and rabbit. My granddad, referred to as "Pawpaw", had some rabbit dogs that would run a rabbit, some times. Thus, forming a threesome, we ventured into the fields, ditch banks and forests surrounding our neck of the woods. Huntin' Buddies.

This huntin buddie legacy is strong in me. Always has been. Although "Pawpaw" is gone on now, and Daddy is up in his 80's, my memories of those days afield are vivid for me. My present need for, and maintenance of, my huntin' buddies is an off-shoot of those important men in my life, and I thank both of them more than they will ever know.

Bill Spears, PhD

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